Danish language

At Vestre Skole the app SayHi is used to translate. You can talk to it in Ukrainian. and it will translate to Danish and read it aloud, or the other way round.You can choose many other languages.
These suggestions can help you learn the Danish language:
Dansk her og nu( Ministry) – Pronounciation, texts, grammar,
Duolingo can be found as a web cource and an app for smartphones:
Here is a link to a brand new dictionary with words in Danish, Ukrainian and English:
You can also practise language on Sprogland:
Create a user on Boblberg:
Red Cross cooperates with Boblberg.dk which hosts the Sprogland platform, and therefore you need to create a user on Boblberg first.
1. Go to Boblberg.dk and fill out the required information.
2. Press “Bliv medlem”.
3. You now have a user for Boblberg.
4. To log in press “Log in her”.
How to book a conversation
5. Go to Sprogland.dk
6. Press ”tilmeld dig her – første snak er kun få klik væk”
7. Type in your phone number and confirm by clicking ‘Gem tlf.nr.’ We need your phone number to send you a text message with the link to start your conversation.
8. Press “book tid” to book a volunteer language coach.