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School and spare time

In Billund Kommune all children from other nationalities will start their school in Vestre Skole

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Telephone: 7213 1140.

Adress: Fælledvej 3, 7200 Grindsted

They will be in an international class until the teachers find that their Danish language and other skills allow them to join a Danish class. They can start school before their personal number and yellow card is ready.

After the school day finishes, there is a special offer for smaller children, the SFO (Skole Fritids Ordning), where parents can pay for the children to stay for longer, or even start earlier. As there is payment involved, they appreciate if the personal number is ready.

 SFO-office telephone 2555 7661

Monday – Thursday 06.15 – 16.45

Friday 06.15 - 16


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